Referee Statistics

Referee statistics for AFC Bournemouth

Referee Statistics - AFC Bournemouth

How many red cards did your favourite referee hand out to AFC Bournemouth? This table shows all the yellow cards, second yellow cards leading to dismissals and straight red cards handed out by Premier League officials from the 2001 season. We don't have the data going back to the start of the Premiership in 1993, but we have 18 years and counting, so we should get a good idea of who the good guys are and who are the villains.

This table is ordered from the good guys who didn't punish your team too much, down to the super-villains

NameGamesYellow2 YellowRedPointsPPM
1Andy Madley100000
2John Brooks110011
3Thomas Bramall110011
4Lee Mason131500151.15
5Jonathan Moss101200121.2
6Mark Clattenburg450051.25
7Neil Swarbrick450051.25
8Roger East131700171.31
9Anthony Taylor121510181.5
10Chris Kavanagh71100111.57
11Martin Atkinson121900191.58
12Graham Scott101600161.6
13David Coote470071.75
14Lee Probert9811161.78
15Kevin Friend152410271.8
16Bobby Madley71300131.86
17Michael Jones71300131.86
18Michael Salisbury240042
19Mike Dean163200322
20Simon Hooper451082
21Tony Harrington120022
22Stuart Attwell112300232.09
23Andre Marriner91401192.11
24Paul Tierney122101262.17
25Craig Pawson132610292.23
26Michael Oliver81401192.38
27Peter Bankes260063

The table is sorted by points per game. We give one point for a single yellow card, three points for a second yellow card and five points for a straight red

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