Referee Statistics

Referee statistics summary from 2001

Referee Statistics

Anthony Taylor



2nd Yellows

Red Cards

How many red cards did Anthony Taylor hand out to your team? This table shows all the yellow cards, second yellow cards leading to dismissals and straight red cards handed out by Anthony Taylor*.

Anthony Taylor scored an average of 4 points per game in all the 329 Premier League games he has been in charge of (1 point yellow, 2 points second yellow, 5 points straight red).

He scored an average of 2 Points Per Team , see below how each team he refereed scored in all the games he officated.

Anthony Taylor's most recent premier League was - Saturday, 31 December 2022.

*Referee stats availlable from the start of the 2000-2001 Premiership season

Per team / match points and cards



2nd Yellows

Red Cards

TeamNo.Yellow2 YellowRedPointsPPM+/-
1Queens Park Rangers81802283.5 75%
2Brentford260063 50%
3Blackburn Rovers4601112.75 37%
4Middlesbrough380082.67 33%
5Watford184101462.56 28%
6Stoke City224811562.55 27%
7Manchester United367602862.39 19%
8Crystal Palace254902592.36 17%
9Leeds United91601212.33 16%
10Chelsea357501802.29 14%
11Arsenal386233862.26 12%
12Aston Villa224111492.23 11%
13Tottenham Hotspur386803832.18 9%
14Brighton and Hove Albion142501302.14 7%
15West Ham United305611642.13 6%
16Wolverhampton Wanderers162321342.13 6%
17Sunderland193420402.11 5%
18Blackpool360062 0%
19Cardiff City360062 0%
20Nottingham Forest240042 0%
21Wigan Athletic71400142 0%
22Everton366011681.89 -6%
23Newcastle United253602461.84 -8%
24Swansea City121910221.83 -8%
25Liverpool498111891.82 -9%
26Manchester City304402541.8 -10%
27Norwich City183100311.72 -14%
28Birmingham City350051.67 -17%
29Southampton212920351.67 -17%
30Leicester City233800381.65 -18%
31AFC Bournemouth121510181.5 -25%
32Burnley192800281.47 -26%
33Huddersfield Town570071.4 -30%
34West Bromwich Albion202800281.4 -30%
35Hull City780081.14 -43%
36Bolton Wanderers110011 -50%
37Portsmouth110011 -50%
38Reading220021 -50%
39Fulham181700170.94 -53%
40Sheffield United210010.5 -75%

The table is sorted by points per game. We give one point for a single yellow card, three points for a second yellow card and five points for a straight red. The last column shows the percentage difference in Referee Points from Anthony Taylor's average score per team, per match of 2

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