Referee Statistics

Referee statistics for Aston Villa

Referee Statistics - Aston Villa

How many red cards did your favourite referee hand out to Aston Villa? This table shows all the yellow cards, second yellow cards leading to dismissals and straight red cards handed out by Premier League officials from the 2001 season. We don't have the data going back to the start of the Premiership in 1993, but we have 18 years and counting, so we should get a good idea of who the good guys are and who are the villains.

This table is ordered from the good guys who didn't punish your team too much, down to the super-villains

NameGamesYellow2 YellowRedPointsPPM
1Paul Taylor100000
2Richard Beeby210010.5
3Peter Jones320020.67
4Jeff Winter1180080.73
5Uriah Rennie970070.78
6Bobby Madley760060.86
7Alan Wiley330031
8Clive Wilkes440041
9David Pugh330031
10Eddie Wolstenhome220021
11Keith Stroud440041
12Konrad Plautz110011
13Paul Durkin770071
14Robert Jones440041
15Dermot Gallagher111500151.36
16David Elleray570071.4
17Chris Foy273510381.41
18Paul Tierney91300131.44
19Howard Webb243101361.5
20Steve Tanner230031.5
21Martin Atkinson395701621.59
22Simon Hooper580081.6
23Barry Knight131601211.62
24Mark Halsey355011581.66
25David Coote71200121.71
26Lee Probert172420301.76
27Mark Clattenburg376600661.78
28Michael Jones142500251.79
29Andy Madley91700171.89
30Jonathan Moss111601211.91
31Darren England480082
32Jarred Gillett331062
33Peter Walton142301282
34Phil Dowd254211502
35Steve Dunn91301182
36Steve Lodge240042
37Andy D' Urso142401292.07
38Steve Bennett294712602.07
39Mike Dean4890121032.15
40Lee Mason306210652.17
41Stuart Attwell122600262.17
42Neale Barry51100112.2
43Anthony Taylor224111492.23
44Peter Bankes71310162.29
45Graham Barber91102212.33
46Rob Styles233613542.35
47Mike Riley224701522.36
48Michael Oliver305912722.4
49Graham Poll142611342.43
50Craig Pawson164000402.5
51Matt Messias61210152.5
52Jonathon Moss92010232.56
53Chris Kavanagh112211302.73
54Kevin Friend153810412.73
55Roger East81910222.75
56Neil Swarbrick153411422.8
57Graham Scott51500153
58Michael Salisbury130033
59Tony Harrington130033
60John Brooks31200124
61Rob Harris251084

The table is sorted by points per game. We give one point for a single yellow card, three points for a second yellow card and five points for a straight red

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